The Essential Skills qualification suite will replace the current Key Skills and Basic Skills qualifications from 2010.
The suite is divided into the following 3 subject areas :
Candidates are required to use speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the context of straightforward subject matter, materials and tasks. They must take part in formal discussions on everyday subjects, identify the main points and ideas in reading material, and produce documents that are written in uncomplicated language and include compound sentences.
Application of Number
Candidates are required to handle numerical and graphical information and apply techniques in the form of activities. Calculation will usually involve one or two steps depending on which level you are undertaking. Much of the numerical content will be concerned with whole numbers and the use of decimals in everyday contexts.
Digital Literacy
Candidates are required to use ICT systems to find, develop and present numerical, textual and graphical information in the context of straightforward tasks. Candidates should know how to use technology safely, care for equipment and avoid losing data. They should also know how to send and receive emails and be aware of how to minimise the risk of viruses.
The Essential Skills qualification suite will replace the current Key Skills and Basic Skills qualifications from 2010.
The suite is divided into the following 3 subject areas :
Candidates are required to use speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the context of straightforward subject matter, materials and tasks. They must take part in formal discussions on everyday subjects, identify the main points and ideas in reading material, and produce documents that are written in uncomplicated language and include compound sentences.
Application of Number
Candidates are required to handle numerical and graphical information and apply techniques in the form of activities. Calculation will usually involve one or two steps depending on which level you are undertaking. Much of the numerical content will be concerned with whole numbers and the use of decimals in everyday contexts.
Digital Literacy
Candidates are required to use ICT systems to find, develop and present numerical, textual and graphical information in the context of straightforward tasks. Candidates should know how to use technology safely, care for equipment and avoid losing data. They should also know how to send and receive emails and be aware of how to minimise the risk of viruses.
The Essential Skills qualifications are part of the Welsh Government Apprenticeship Programme and can also be accessed by individuals if they require these qualifications as equivalent to GCSE certification.